Thomas Reichler, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
University of Utah
135 S 1460 East Rm 819 (WBB)
Salt Lake City, Ut 84112-0110
Office: 804 WBB
Office Phone: (801) 585-0040
>> Curriculum Vitae
My Website:
2003 Ph.D. University of California, San Diego
1996 M.S. (equiv.) University of Augsburg (Germany)
In July 2004 I joined the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah. Before that, from 2003-2004, I worked at Princeton University and GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab) as a visiting scientist. My research included the dynamical coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere, and I worked with Professor Paul Kushner and Professor Lorenzo Polvani. Dr. John Roads supervised my Ph.D. thesis (2003) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (University of California San Diego), where I investigated the predictability properties of the atmosphere on time scales of weeks to months.
Selected Publications:
Changes in the atmospheric circulation as indicator of climate change, in: Climate
and global change: Observed impacts on planet Earth (Book Section), 2009
Analysis and reduction of systematic errors through a seamless approach to modelling
weather and climate (Journal Article), 2010
On the effective number of climate models (Journal Article), 2010
Apparent temperature precision of GPS radio occultation (Journal Article), 2009
Cause of the widening of the tropical belt since 1958 (Journal Article), 2009
How Well do Coupled Models Simulate Today's Climate? (Journal Article), 2008
Long-term evolution of the cold point tropical tropopause: Simulation results and
attribution analysis (Journal Article), 2008
Uncertainties in the climate mean state of global observations, reanalyses, and the
GFDL climate model (Journal Article), 2008
Use of radio occultation for long-term tropopause studies: uncertainties, biases,
and instabilities (Journal Article), 2008
Widening of the tropical belt in a changing climate (Journal Article), 2008
Expansion of the Hadley cell under global warming (Journal Article), 2007
Enhanced Mid-Latitude Tropospheric Warming in Satellite Measurements (Journal Article),
Research Statement
Professor Thomas Reichler is a climate modeler and analyst who is interested in the relationship between climate change and atmospheric dynamics. He performs numerical experiments with climate models to study how jet streams, storm tracks, and other key-features of the general circulation are responding to climate change and how this affects global precipitation patterns and other aspects of surface climate. Prof. Reichler also investigates the role of the stratosphere for tropospheric weather and climate, research that may help to improve the predictability of weather on weekly to monthly time scales and the certainty of future climate predictions. He also develops objective performance measures for climate models, which can be used for optimally-weighted multi-model climate predictions.
Research Keywords, Regions of Interest and Languages:
Keywords: Atmospheric Models (3); Climate Change (10); Fluid Dynamics (5); Numerical modeling (6); Stratospheric dynamics (2); Stratospheric Warming; Tropopause dynamics; troposphere stratosphere exchange (2)
Regions: South America (27)
Languages: French (157); German (120); Spanish (198)
Courses I Teach
ATMOS 6010 Fundamentals of Dynamic Meteorology
ATMOS 6030 Earth Climate System