Timothy Garrett, Ph.D.

Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
University of Utah
135 S 1460 East Rm 819 (WBB)
Salt Lake City, Ut 84112-0110
Office: 821 WBB
Office Phone: (801) 581-5768
Email: tim.garrett@utah.edu
>> Curriculum Vitae
My Website: www.inscc.utah.edu/~tgarrett/ACCS.html
University of Washington, Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, 2000
University of Washington, M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, 1995
University of Waterloo, B.Sc. Honours Physics, 1992
My research focus is in the field of cloud physics. Clouds are interesting because
they display such an extraordinarily wide range of interactive physical processes,
and understanding these is critical for improving weather and climate forecasts. My
work also includes development of simple physical models for understanding civilization
growth. While the two may seem disconnected, it looks like both clouds and civilization
are complex systems that evolve according to the same non-equilibrium thermodynamic
Much of this work is done in collaboration with graduate students in the ACCS group.
Some involves pencil and paper, PCs or parallel computing environments. There is also
laboratory work. With engineer Cale Fallgatter, we build instruments for photographing
snowflakes in freefall in the Cloud Physics Laboratory at the University of Utah.
These are deployed to our High Altitude Research Laboratory for Diversity in Snow
(HARoLDS) at Alta Ski Area in Utah s Wasatch Front.
When not involved in research, I teach graduate and undergraduate classes in Cloud
Physics, Atmospheric Radiation and Thermodynamics, and I serve as a co-editor for
the Copernicus open access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
Selected Publications:
Observational quantification of the optical properties of cirrus cloud (Book Section),
Acceleration by aerosol of a radiative-thermodynamic cloud feedback influencing Arctic
surface warming (Journal Article), 2009
Are there basic physical constraints on future anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide?
(Journal Article), 2009
An evolving history of Arctic aerosols (Journal Article), 2008
Evaluation of the aerosol indirect effect using satellite, tracer transport model,
and aircraft data from ICARTT (Journal Article), 2008
Ground-based remote sensing of precipitation in the Arctic (Journal Article), 2008
Hazy perspectives of Early Arctic Explorers (Journal Article), 2008
Short-lived pollutants in the Arctic: their climate impact and possible mitigation
strategies (Journal Article), 2008
Comments on "Effective radius of ice cloud particle populations derived from aircraft
probes" (Journal Article), 2007
Evaluation of the aerosol indirect effect using satellite, tracer transport model,
and aircraft data from ICARTT (Journal Article), 2007
Extinction coefficients retrieved in deep tropical ice clouds from lidar observations
using a CALIPSO-like algorithm compared to in-situ measurements from the Cloud Integrated
Nephelometer during CRYSTAL-FACE (Journal Article), 2007
Observing cirrus halos to constrain in-situ measurements of ice crystal size (Journal
Article), 2007
Convective formation of pileus cloud near the tropopause (Journal Article), 2006
Effects of cirrus near the tropopause on anvil cirrus dynamics (Journal Article),
Increased Arctic cloud longwave emissivity associated with pollution from mid-latitudes
(Journal Article), 2006
Quantifying wet scavenging processes in aircraft observations of Nitric Acid and CCN
(Journal Article), 2006
Evolution of a Florida cirrus anvil (Journal Article), 2005
Small, highly reflective ice crystals in low-latitude cirrus (Journal Article), 2003
Research Statement
Clouds play a key role in climate by removing pollutants from the atmosphere, shielding
the Earth from sunlight, and by acting as pistons in the atmospheric heat engine.
But they are also extraordinarily dynamic over a vast range of interacting scales
in time in space, and this makes them difficult to understand. Is their role in climate
fundamentally simple (which would be nice) or impossibly complex (a cause for despair)?
Our group works to tease from clouds their contributions to various atmospheric chemical,
dynamic, microphysical and radiative processes.
A second focus is development of a thermodynamic basis for interpreting the evolution
of the global economy, and its relationship to atmospheric concentrations of carbon
dioxide. Central to the model is the finding that civilization's economic value or
wealth, when adjusted for inflation, is linked to its rate of primary energy consumption
through a constant.
Research Keywords, Regions of Interest and Languages:
Keywords: Atmospheric Physics (2); Climate Change (10); Cloud Physics (4); Energy Economics (2); Chemical Transport; Global Change (3); Greenhouse Gases (2); Precipitation (5)
Regions: Arctic Ocean (2)
Courses I Teach
ATMOS 6020 Fundamentals of Physical Meteorology
ATMOS 6200 Atmospheric Radiation
ATMOS 5140 Physical Meteorology II: Atmospheric Radiation