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2024 AMSG strategic Planning Workshop

July 9-10, 2024
Salt Lake City, Utah
All times Local (Mountain Time)
July 8, 2024
1800 – 2000              Welcome Gathering (no host) Optional gathering for meet-and-greet
                                       Franklin Ave Cocktales and Kitchen

July 9, 2024

155 Central Campus Drive, SLC 84112

0900 - 1000               Introduction and Goals of the Workshop (five-year strategic plan)

1000 - 1030               Paolo Laj, Head, Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme
                                      Title:  Benefits of Engagement with External Strategic Partnerships
1030 – 1045              Break

Session Goals:  Discuss strategic initiatives needed to advance ARM science under each Topic.

1045 – 1215              Session 1

           Option 1 – Core Aerosol-Related Measurements                                                                     Leaders:  John Shilling and Lynn Russell

           Option 2 – Engage with strategic partners                                                                                  Leaders:  Gannet Hallar & Tim Onasch

           Option 3Improving the Understanding and Accessibility of ARM Aerosol Data     Leaders:  Adam Thiesen and Alyssa Sockol

12:15 – 1315            Lunch

1315  – 1445            Session 2

            Option 1 – New Aerosol Measurement Techniques                                                                 Leaders: Jim Smith and Markus Petters

            Option 2 - Measurement Uncertainties                                                                                         Leaders:  Olga Mayol-Bracero and Rich Moore

1445 – 1500             Break

1500 – 1630             Session 3

            Option 1 – Roadmap to modeling Leaders

Introduction: Jerome Fast and Nicole Reimer (5 min)

Context presentation: Po-Lun Ma: “Opportunities for advancing aerosol predictability in Earth system models using ARM aerosol     
measurements” (10 min)

Context presentation: Johannes Muelmenstadt: “Report on NASA workshop on Designing Observations for Climate Applications” (10 min)

Context presentation: Jerome Fast “Using models for OSSEs to guide measurement strategies” (10 min)

Discussion (55 min), topic including, but not limited to:

  •  Global modeling aerosol measurement needs
  • Better connections with AeroCom/AeroSat community
  • Data availability, uncertainty, and meta-data
  • Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs)
  • Aerosols in LASSO

            Option 2 – Large spatial and temporal science studies:   Chongai Kuang

This breakout session invites participants to discuss and identify:

  • creative deployment, modeling, and data-product development strategies to (better) link comprehensive and high-temporal-resolution ARM measurements with spatial information (scales: horizontal ~ 100s km, vertical ~ 10s km) and over longer time periods (scales: seasonal to inter-annual)
  • collaborations (and how to build/sustain them) with other regional-to-national surface/aerial measurement networks (e.g., IMPROVE, ASCENT, NEON/AOP, AmeriFlux, NASA) to both contextualize ARM observations (in space and time) as well as provide an important reference for those networks
  • opportunities to develop subsets of instruments (e.g., atmospheric thermodynamic profilers, aerosol size spectrometers) and deploy around a main site, to provide greater information about main site representativeness (e.g., local vs. background)
  • collaborations with satellite programs for which the joint application of ARM’s comprehensive measurements at a single point with satellite-based spatial information would be of particular benefit to the ARM user community

Block 1: 15:00 - 15:55, “Setting the Table”

  • 15:00 - 15:05  Introduction (Chongai Kuang & Damao Zhang)
  • 15:05 - 15:15  ARM Large-Scale Science (Chongai Kuang)
  • 15:15 - 15:25  UAS-enabled Aerosol Science (Fan Mei)
  • 15:25 - 15:35  Surface-through-Vertical Aerosol Science (Maria Zawadowicz)
  • 15:35 - 15:45  Multi-scale Temporal Aerosol Science (Jim Smith)
  • 15:45 - 15:55  Aerosol Vertical Profile Data Products (Peng Wu, pending)   

Block 2: 15:55 - 16:30, “Discussion”

  • see above bullets in session description

1635 – 1715             Summary of Topics and Issues  


July 10, 2024

0800 – 0900             Plans for Day 2 (Lightning Talks from each leader – short and informal talks giving Action Steps – Outline goals needed for strategic plan)

0900 – 1030             Session 1:  Improve Existing ARM Systems and Programs  - Keynote from Betsy Andrews, CIRES Research Scientist , NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory

1030 – 1045             Break

1045 – 1245             Session 2:  New Frontiers of ARM - Keynote from Allison McComiskey, NSF NCAR Associate Director; Director, Earth  Observing Laboratory         

1245 – 1330             Working Lunch – Discuss plan for complete workshop report

1400 – 1600             Work on writing assignment - Summary/Questions/Issues

                                      Task – Complete questionnaire in google document before leaving SLC

July 11, 2024

0900 - 1200              Small group writing session - includes one leader from each breakout session (I.e. AMSG committee members)


Last Updated: 6/27/24